General Rules

  • Dogs are not allowed on the grounds.  Service animals welcome with appropriate identifiable vest.
  • Watch your family and friends at all times. If they become lost immediately notify a fair volunteer or police officer.
  • If you or someone with you becomes ill or injured seek assistance from a fair volunteer, a police officer or the medical response crew located near the English Horse Ring.

Please note that the Williamstown Fair is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Severe Weather Alert

Always be prepared for inclement weather. In the event of severe weather an air horn will sound 1 long blast repeated at 3 second intervals for 1 minute. Upon hearing the alert seek shelter in one of the permanent buildings on the fairgrounds or in your vehicle. Tents or trees do not provide protection from wind or lightning.
Note: Tents or trees do not provide protection from wind or lightning.

Prohibited Items

  • Alcoholic beverages not purchased on-site
  • Fireworks
  • Sparklers