**Note to Exhibitors** We will be using the new North American grading and classification standards for our maple syrup competition.
CONTACTS: Cheryl Wightman 613-258-1853
- All entries must have been produced by the exhibitor in the year of the exhibition.
- No identifying labels may be present on the jars.
- Only one entry submitted per section per family.
- Submission in one division only (i.e. you cannot enter in amateur and pleasure classes), however you may enter 1 product in each Section of the Pleasure Class (i.e. Golden, Amber, Dark, Very Dark).
- Maple syrup shall be shown in clear 250ml glass maple syrup Kent – style bottles. These can be picked up from the Secretary. All bottles must have a white cap and the exhibit tag must be attached using an elastic
band. - Maple butter must be in a clear 250 ml jar.
- All maple cream/candy must be gift boxed.
- All entries must be submitted on Thursday evening by 8pm using the maple division form and shall not be removed until Sunday at 4pm.
- Entry forms must be submitted along with maple products.
- Each exhibitor must purchase an exhibitor number from the Fair Secretary. The fee is $5.00.
- Minimum of 66° Brix (66% dissolved sugar solids) to qualify.
- An approved maple syrup colorimeter will be used to determine the colour. Maple syrup entered in the wrong colour class will be disqualified.
- In the event of exhibitors having the same number of points in a class, the exhibitor with the best flavour shall be awarded one (1) extra point to break the tie.
- All entrants will receive the judge’s evaluation report on Sunday with pick up of products.
1st: $20 2nd: $15 3rd: $10
Open to those who are novice maple syrup producers (five years or less).
1 250 ml. syrup in clear jar or bottle (ie. Mason jar or Kent-style bottle)
*Note: first place entrant must move to the pleasure class the following year.
Open to those who are tapping between 1 to 800 taps and doing it for leisure, giving or selling from the home to friends & family.
1. Golden Maple Syrup (1 bottle)
2. Amber Maple Syrup (1 bottle)
3. Dark Maple Syrup (1 bottle)
4. Very Dark Maple Syrup (1 bottle)
5. Soft Maple Sugar (1 x 125 g box of small molded shapes)
6. Maple Butter (1 x 250 ml jar)
7. Stirred (Crumb) Maple Sugar (1 x 250 ml jar)
S1 Pleasure Class, Champion Maple Syrup Producer Trophy – Most points accumulated from Sections
S2 Pleasure Class, Champion Maple Sugar Producer Trophy– Most points accumulated from Sections
S3 See below for OPEN COMPETITION – Maple Gift Basket
Open to those who are tapping over 800 taps and selling to retail stores and/or selling to strangers from the gate.
1. Golden Maple Syrup (1 bottle)
2. Amber Maple Syrup (1 bottle)
3. Dark Maple Syrup (1 bottle)
4. Very Dark Maple Syrup (1 bottle)
5. Soft Maple Sugar (1 x 125 g box of small molded shapes)
6. Maple Butter (1 x 250 ml jar)
7. Stirred (Crumb) Maple Sugar (1 x 250 ml jar)
8. Hard Maple Sugar (1 x 125 g block)
S1 Commercial Class, Champion Maple Syrup Producer Trophy – Most points accumulated from
Sections 1,2,3,4
S2 Commercial Class, Champion Maple Sugar Producer Trophy – Most points accumulated from
Sections 5,6,7,8
S3 See below for OPEN COMPETITION – Maple Gift Basket
S3 Open Competition (for Pleasure & Commercial Producers)
*Gift basket – Any occasion highlighting at least 4 of the above items. Value-added maple products that are included in the gift basket can be from the items listed above or other unlisted items that you can produce(maple nut, maple jelly, etc.). Package type & size can be the producer’s choice, however, no more than 2 litres of maple syrup to be included in the gift basket.