CANCELLED for 2024 Fair. Back in 2025!


CONTACT: Terry Mercer | 613-931-2129

Rules & Regulations

  1. Exhibitors of honey and beeswax must be bona fide beekeepers and the exhibits shown by them must be pure honey from floral sources in their apiaries.
  2. Not more than one entry per class from an apiary will be accepted.
  3. Honey entries entered in the wrong colour class will be docked 5 points.  Honey colour will be determined using a honey classifier approved by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. The judges are empowered to declare any product of inferior quality to be ineligible for placing.
  4. Liquid and granulated honey must be exhibited in 500gram (375ml) honey jars and they must be the tall version or will be disqualified.
  5. All classes of comb honey (including round) must be packaged in individual plastic boxes (also available from Secretary or Committee chair $1 / box). Comb honey must be produced in the hive and must contain pure honey. Cut comb honey should be well drained and must be packed in individual plastic boxes).
  6. Honey moisture content (density) will be determined by the use of a refractometer.  Entries will be marked down 5 points for each 1/10 of 1% moisture content in excess of 17.8% in liquid honey.

Entry Fee

All entrants must have a St. Lawrence Valley Agricultural Society (Williamstown Fair) exhibitor number- fee $5.00


1st     $20          2nd     $15          3rd     $10


Someone who has less than 5 hives and has been a beekeeper for less than 5 years


1.Liquid honey, any colour (1 jar)


  1. Liquid honey, white (1 jar)
  2. Liquid honey, golden (1 jar)
  3. Liquid honey, amber (1 jar)
  4. Liquid honey, dark (1 jar)
  5. Comb honey – 1 piece 3” x 4”
  6. Beeswax – 1 piece 3” x 4”

S1 Premier Exhibitor – most points in classes 1 to 6 – perpetual trophy donated